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juuku Teams Up With Manila Killa For "Just Lost"

As we move closer and closer to the anticipated release of juuku's debut EP Warmth via Moving Castle, we're treated to more exciting music from the mysterious multi-talent, this time an anthem house gem in collaboration with Moving Castle mainstay Manila Killa, titled "just lost". Marking Manila Killa's first release in 2021, "just lost" is a truly impressive combination of both artists' talents, bringing together stunning orchestral sections, vibrant synths and uplifting energy.

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With a consistent musical output over the past couple of years, juuku has undoubtedly established himself as an exciting up-and-comer within the world of dance music. Influenced by the likes of Porter Robinson, juuku's larger than life productions masterfully combine massive bass and heavenly melodies, while his exciting visual world displays an artist of many talents and massive dedication.


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